閱讀屋>新年> 兒童新年晚會適合唱什麼歌






  How I wonder what you are.

  Up above the world so high,

  Like a diamond in the sky.

  Twinkle,twinkle,little star,

  How I wonder what you are.






  《It's a small world》這是個小世界

  It's a world of laughter

  A world of tears

  It's a world of hopes

  And a world of fears

  There's so much that we share

  That it's time we're aware

  It's a small world after all

  There is just one moon

  And one golden sun

  And a smile means

  Friendship to ev'ryone

  Though the mountains divide

  And the oceans are wide

  It's a small world after all



  If you're happy《如果高興的話你就拍拍手》

  If you're happy and you know it,

  Clap your hands.(唱完這一句拍兩下手)

  If you're happy and you know it,

  Clap your hands.(拍兩下手)

  If you're happy and you know it,(雙手在胸前交叉擺動)

  And you rface will surely show it,(伸出兩個食指從嘴巴往上劃,做微笑狀)

  If you're happy and youknow it,

  Clap your hands.(拍兩下手)

  If you're happy, and you know it,

  Stomp your feet.(跺兩下腳)

  If you're happy,and you know it,

  Stomp your feet.(跺兩下腳)

  If you're happy,and you know it,(雙手在胸前交叉擺動)

  Then, you rface will surely show it.(伸出兩個食指從嘴巴往上劃,做微笑狀)

  If you're happy, and you know it,

  Stomp your feet.(跺兩下腳)

  If you're happy, and you know it,

  Shout “Hurray!”(雙手舉起來做歡呼狀)

  If you're happy, and you know it,

  Shout “Hurray!”(雙手舉起來做歡呼狀)

  If you're happy, and you know it,(雙手在胸前交叉擺動)

  Then, your face will surely show it.(伸出兩個食指從嘴巴往上劃,做微笑狀)

  If you're happy, and you know it,

  Shout “Hurray!”(雙手舉起來做歡呼狀)

  If you're happy, and you know it,

  Do all three.(把拍手、跺腳、歡呼連起來做一遍)

  If you're happy, and you know it,

  Do all three.(把拍手、跺腳、歡呼連起來做一遍)

  If you're happy, and you know it,(雙手在胸前交叉擺動)

  Then, your face will surely show it.(伸出兩個食指從嘴巴往上劃,做微笑狀)

  If you're happy,and you know it,)

  Do all three.(把拍手、跺腳、歡呼連起來做一遍)
