閱讀屋>考試> 公共英語四級考試口語練習輔導



  1.native language 母語

  2.mandarin Chinese 普通話

  3.peking opera 京劇

  4.orchestra 管絃樂隊

  5.costume 裝束,服裝,戲服

  6.acrobat 雜技演員

  7.tragic 悲劇的 tragedy n.悲劇, 慘案, 悲慘, 災難

  8.comical 喜劇的 comedy n.喜劇, 喜劇性的事情

  9.periodical 期刊,雜誌

  mask 面具

  gas mask防毒面具

  fire/smoke/dust mask 防火/防煙/防塵面具

  e.g.The robbers were wearing masks.


  The nurses wore masks and close-fitting white caps.


  The jokes were a mask to hide his sadness.


  last but not the least 最後的但是同樣重要的

  e.g. And last but not the least there is the problem of funding.


  chance n. 可能性,很可能

  e.g. Chances are that we will win easily.我們很可能會輕易取勝。

  The chances are ten to one that the guest team will win.十之八九客隊會獲勝。

  There is a chance that I will see him these days. 這幾天我有可能見到他。

  This is a chance that I will be chosen for the team. 有可能我被選拔到隊裡。

  The ox doesnt seem to have any chance of winning the league basketball matches.


  The chances are a hundred to one against you. 你只有百分之一成功的可能。

  on the way /on ones way 在來、去或旅行的過程中:

  e.g.I met him on the way to town. 我在去鎮子的路上遇到他

  Winter is on the way. 冬天就要來到了

  She is on her way out the door. 她往戶外走。

  He is on the way to success. 他正在通往成功的路上。
