閱讀屋>考試> 英語四級考試複習專題之翻譯練習




  1.You would have been better now if ___________(你過去堅持吃藥).

  2.In______________(鑑於他違背了媽媽的意願),his father gave him a little hard work to do.

  3.The police warned citizens against keeping a large sum of cash at home ____________(以防被盜).

  4._____________(當談及代購問題),all students are eager to say something about their experience.

  5.It is common konwledge ____________(在經濟上中國僅次於美國) at present.


  1.you had kept taking/having this medicine before

  考查虛擬語氣:表示與過去事實相反的假設需用虛擬語氣,從句中的謂語動詞用“had+過去分詞”,主句中的謂語動詞用“should(第一人稱)或would(第二,三人稱)have+過去分詞”。“堅持做某事”的表達是keep doing sth。

  “吃藥”的表達是take/have medicine。

  2.view of his going against his mother's will

  “鑑於”的表達是in view of,後面跟名詞性成分。“違背”的表達是go against。“意願”的表達為will。

  3.lest it (should) be stolen//in case it (should)/will be stolen

  考查目的狀語從句:lest意思是“以防,以免”,其引導的從句通常用sb.(should)do 的形式表示虛擬,句中指“錢財被盜”,用被動語態。In case “以防”也可以引導目的狀語從句,但從句的謂語可用虛擬語氣,也可用直陳語氣。


  4.When it comes to generation gap//When talking about generation gap

  考查“當談及…”這一常考固定結構:when it comes to+sb./sth或者when talking about +sb./sth.。“代溝”的表達:generation gap。

  5.that China is next to America in terms of economy

  that引導的主語從句既可放於句首,也可放在句末,但為了保持句子平衡,常用it作形式主語,把真正的主語從句放在句後。“僅次於”的表達為be next/second to。“在…上”可表達為in terms of或者直接用介詞in。


  1.By the end of this year ___________(這本書將出版).

  2.That advantages of bicycle outweigh its disadvantages and it will ________________(在現代社會發揮重要作用).

  3.After days of heavy rains,the sun ______________(終於從雲層後面露出來了).

  4.He has got into the habit of __________________(在房間亂扔東西).

  5.______(凡是對油畫感興趣的人)may get a free ticket to the art show.


  1.the book will have been published // the book will have come out

  考查時態和被動語態:由by the end of this year“今年年底”判斷要用將來完成時,而book與publish之間是被動關係,所以用將來完成時的被動語態will have been published。如果用come out 表達的話不必用被動式。

  “出版”的表達常用publish或come out。

  2.play an important/essential role in modern society

  “發揮作用”的表達為play a role in。“重要的”表達可以用important或essential;“現代社會”的表達為modern society。

  3.emerged from behind the clouds at last

  為了準確表達方位,from後面可接另外一個介詞賓語,behind the clouds整體表示一個位置;雲層後面。本句敘述的是過去的事情,所以用過去式。“露出來”的表達為emerge或come out。

  4.答案:leaving things about/everywhere in his room

  “養成某習慣”的固定搭配為get into the habit of doing sth。“亂扔東西”的表達為leave things about/everywhere。

  5.Whoever is interested in oil painting

  考查主語從句:Whoever意思是“無論是誰”,它在引導的主語從句中可作主語或賓語。作主語時,謂語動詞一般用單數。“對…感興趣”的表達是be interested in或have/take an interest in。

  “油畫”的表達是oil painting。


  1.By the end of this year ___________(這本書將出版).

  2.That advantages of bicycle outweigh its disadvantages and it will ________________(在現代社會發揮重要作用).

  3.After days of heavy rains,the sun ______________(終於從雲層後面露出來了).

  4.He has got into the habit of __________________(在房間亂扔東西).

  5.An enclosed,smoke-filled room has levels of harmful gas ________________(是平時的50倍).


  1.the book will have been published // the book will have come out

  時態和被動語態:由by the end of this year“今年年底”判斷要用將來完成時,而book與publish之間是被動關係,所以用將來完成時的被動語態will have been published。如果用come out 表達的話不必用被動式。“出版”的表達常用publish或come out。

  2.play an important/essential role in modern society

  “發揮作用”的表達為play a role in。“重要的”表達可以用important或essential;“現代社會”的表達為modern society。

  3.emerged from behind the clouds at last

  考查介詞:為了準確表達方位,from後面可接另外一個介詞賓語,behind the clouds整體表示一個位置;雲層後面。考查時態:本句敘述的是過去的事情,所以用過去式。“露出來”的表達為emerge或come out。

  4.leaving things about/everywhere in his room

  “養成某習慣”的固定搭配為get into the habit of doing sth。“亂扔東西”的表達為leave things about/everywhere。

  5.50 times as high as normal // 49 times higher than normal

  考查比較級:表示倍數的比較級常用“A is…times as + 形容詞原級+as B”或“A is … times +形容詞比較級+ than B”。“平時”的表達為normal。


  1.Such practice of ________________(考試前熬夜學習)will not necessarily work for every student.

  2.George arrived at the office ahead of time _______________(只為了給老闆留下好印象).

  3.The resolution that ___________(他調到總部)was approved by General Manager.

  4.He didn't like this job _____________(儘管條件比之前的好).

  5.___________________(我寧願你不要宣佈決定)on the issue for the time being.


  1.staying up studying before an examination

  “熬夜”的表達為stay up,“熬夜學習”就是stay up studying。空前出現的of是介詞,跟在其後的動詞片語“熬夜學習”要變成動名詞的'形式,修飾名詞practice。

  2.only to make a good impression on his/the boss

  “給…留下印象”譯作make an impression on…。“印象”之前的修飾語good在翻譯時不能遺漏。“只為了”的表達為only to,其結構為only to do sth.表示目的。

  3.he (should)be transferred to headquarter


  4.though the condition was better than the previous one

  考查讓步狀語從句:在句子中所以用though。比較級:“比…好” 用be better than。one的用法:句子前面已經提到了job,為了避免重複,用one代替。

  5.I'd rather you didn't declare/announce this decision

  考查虛擬語氣:would rather,would sooner,had rather,would(just) as soon,would prefer用來表達主觀願望,它們之後的賓語從句用虛擬語氣,謂語動詞用一般過去時表示現在或將來的事情,用過去完成時表示與過去事實相反的事情。本句中for the time being“目前”表示這是現在的事情,所以系動詞用一般過去時didn't。“宣佈決定”的表達常用declare或announce the decision。


  1._____________________(儘管他已筋疲力盡),he still kept on running.

  2.Many people believe that international tourism _________________________(對經濟發展有積極作用).so local government should be encouraged to promote it.

  3.On my way to the important interview,________________(他所做的就是祝我好運).

  4.Due to the unexpected changes,______________(這個計劃需要修改).

  5.________________(遇難者能否在災難中生還)depends on many uncertain factors.


  1.Although/Though he was exhausted

  考查讓步狀語從句:用Although或Though表示“雖然,儘管”的意思。“筋疲力盡”的表達為be exhausted。

  2.plays an active role in economic growth/development / has positive effects on economic growth/development

  “有作用”的表達常用play a role或have an effect on 結構。“積極的”常用active和positive,“發展”可用growth或development。

  3.what he did was to wish me good luck//what he did was wishing me good luck

  考查主語從句:用what引導主語從句。主語的表達:可用不定式或動名詞作表語。“祝好運”表達為wish sb good luck.

  4.this plan has to be revised/modified

  “計劃”與“修改”是被動關係,用be done的被動結構。“修改”的常用表達為revise或modify。

  5.Whether the victims can survive the disaster

  所需翻譯的句子為該句的主語,“能否…”提示從句用Whether引導,注意在主語從句中只能用whether,不能用if。表示“存活,活下來,倖免於難”,用survive,後直接跟賓語,注意此處不能加介詞from。只有在表示習慣,習俗,禮儀等沿襲時才用survive from。


  1. The popular artist said she____________________________(喜歡古典音樂勝過流行音樂).

  2. The market share of DDF Company_______ (佔了總市場份額的五分之二)in our country so far.

  3. ____________ (據報道將實施新規定)by 2012.

  4. This is the very trade fair________(我們應該好好利用)。

  5. If he had not turned a deaf ear to the doctor, ________ (傷早就治癒了)


  1.preferred classical music to popular songs

  考查特殊比較級: 表示比較意義時不一定用比較級體現,還可以用固定搭配,如prefer…to…,be superior to等。"喜歡......勝過......"的表達為prefer…to…。

  2.has accounted for two fifths of the total

  "佔"的表達為account for。考查分數的表達: "五分之 二"是分數,分子在前用基數詞,分母在後用序數詞.分子超過1時,分母要用 複數形式。

  3. It is reported (that) new regulation will have been enforced

  考查被動語態: 主語"規定"是動作"實施"的承受者,用被動語態。考查時態: 表示將來某一時間以前已經完成的動作時需用將來完成時態。考查重點句型: 當主語不明或不特別強調時,用it is reported(據報道), it is said(據說)等,後接不定式或從句。此題當中"實施新規定"是從句,故用It is reported (that)句型。

  4. helping her daughter (to) recover

  考查固定搭配: "專心做某事" 的固定搭配是apply oneself to, to是介詞,後面要跟名詞性成分,故用名詞或動名詞。查高頻詞彙: “康復”的表達為recover(from)。考查固定用法: “幫助某人做某事”的表達為help sb. (to) do sth. 或help sb. with sth.

  5. the wound would have been cured/healed

  考查虛擬語氣: if…had done表示對過去情況的虛擬,從句時態用過去完成時,主句應使用would have done的結構。"治癒"的表達為cure或者heal"傷"是"被治癒",需用被動結構。

