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隨著份額不斷擴大,諾基亞或將成為 Windows Phone

隨著份額不斷擴大,諾基亞或將成為 Windows Phone

The monthly Windows Phone report from the AdDuplex group is out for August, and is essentially a repeat of July’s figures: The Lumia 520 is crushing other Windows Phone handsets, and Nokia is quickly becoming the de facto OEM of the platform as HTC slips... via

據 AdDuplex 的報告,Windows Phone 8 月份業績跟 7 月持平,Lumia 520 力壓其它 Windows Phone 獲領先之勢,而且隨 HTC 的市場失勢,諾基亞正成為 Windows Phone 平臺名副其實的手機代工品牌... via

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1.隨著份額不斷擴大,諾基亞或將成為 Windows Phone


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