閱讀屋>辦公/印刷/造紙> 改造辦公室工作環境



  Ⅰ.核心學習:Office Ergonomics改造辦公室工作環境

  Michael: Who do you think is taller - you or me?邁克爾:你覺得誰更高-我還是你?

  Billy: I am, of course. I am heaps taller than you.比利:當然是我了。我比你高多了。

  Michael: But I seem to remember that I used to be at least 2 inches taller than you.邁克爾:不過我好像記得我以前至少比你高兩英寸。

  Billy: Maybe you are shrinking?比利:也許你正在萎縮?

  Michael: I hope not! If I am, by the time I am 50, I'll be a dwarf.邁克爾:我希望不是這樣!如果是這樣,等我到50歲的時候我就成侏儒了。

  Billy: Well, if you are not shrinking, maybe it's because your posture is poor.比利:唔,如果你沒有萎縮,可能是因為你的姿勢不好。

  Michael: You think I am slouching when I stand?邁克爾:你覺得我站的'時候站不直?

  Billy: I am not an ergonomics expert, but it looks that way to me.比利:我不是工效學方面的專家,不過我覺得你看起來是那樣。

  Michael: It's time for you to give me some lessons in working comfortably I think.邁克爾:我覺得你該給我上一些有關舒適地工作方面的課程了。
