閱讀屋>音樂> It is Not Over Yet-歌曲介紹及歌詞

It is Not Over Yet-歌曲介紹及歌詞

It is Not Over Yet-歌曲介紹及歌詞

  歌曲It's Not Over Yet






  相關介紹:Bosson是瑞典流行天王,他的歌迷遍及世界各地,尤其在俄羅斯,烏克蘭等東歐地區更是人氣火到一塌糊塗。那首地球人都廣為皆知的"One In A Million"將Bosson迅速提至瑞典國寶級地位。在中國Bosson的魅力依然強大,無數少男少女被他像著了魔的音域所折服,用KC的話形容,Bosson的嗓音就像一種無形的雙手,穿過靈魂撫摸每個聽歌者的神經。是的,Bosson就是這樣不可奪多得的歌手,他的聲音嫵媚銷魂,在彷彿類似女性聲線間遊走,讓人一時忘記他是個男人,一個可以擁有女人都嫉妒的`聲線,可見Bosson有多麼獨一無二。很多時候我都在想,如果邁克爾傑克遜不屬於這個世界,那麼Bosson絕對可以替代他的地位,成為地球至尊流行歌王!當然這是我的一廂幻想,不過在我的心中,Bosson早已經深入我身體每處角落,就這樣,無可自拔地著迷著他,他的音樂,和他的一切。


  Song:It's Not Over Yet


  It's a bit hard to take But all good things must end Y' know it's sad but

  it's true I know my heart will ache

  And it will take time to mend

  But it's something I got to do

  Cause I owe it all to you

  It's not over yet It's a new beginning

  I just gotta say I'm grateful for the

  time we've had It's not over yet

  It's a brand new start All I need to

  say is thank your From the bottom

  of my heart

  I need some time alone

  A little moment of silence

  So I can figure out where to go

  Don't know what comes and that's the beauty of tomorrow

  there's so many things to find

  all I need is time

  It's not over yet...

  It's not over yet It's a new beginning

  I just gotta say I'm grateful for the

  time we've had It's not over yet

  It's a brand new start All I need to

  say is thank your From the bottom

  of my heart

  I take a long last look around

  Every moment, every sound

  It's all been worth fighting for

  Just because we close the door,

  doesn't mean it's

  Over yet...

  It's a new beginning

  I just gotta say I'm grateful for the

  time we've had It's not over yet

  It's a brand new start All I need to

  say is thank your From the bottom

  of my heart

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