閱讀屋>對聯> 四級段落翻譯練習題對聯




  對聯(Chinese couplet)也叫“對子”,由兩句形式相通、內容相連的語句組成。第一部分稱作“上聯”,貼在右側,第二部分,即“下聯”則貼在左側。

  兩行字不僅字數要一致,而且相同位置上的字必須對仗工整(antithetic in form),平仄協調(harmonious in tone)。按用途不同,對聯可以分為很多種,在新年貼的對聯也叫“春聯”,表達了人們的美好祝福與願望,也為新年增添了節日氣氛。

  The Chinese couplet is also called "Duizi". It consists of two sentences which are identical in form and interrelated in meaning. The first line is called "upper couplet", which is put up or hung on the right side, and the other is called "lower couplet", which is placed on the left side.

  Not only are the two lines required to have an equal number of characters, the words stand in the same position in each of the two sentences must be antithetic in form and harmonious in tone. For different purposes, there are different couplets. The couplet for the Spring Festival is called "Chunlian", which conveys the blessing and good wishes of the people and enhances the festive atmosphere of the New Year, too.
