閱讀屋>計算機硬體> 為什麼惠普可能新 Logo 的訊息反覆強調 13°?

為什麼惠普可能新 Logo 的訊息反覆強調 13°?

為什麼惠普可能新 Logo 的訊息反覆強調 13°?

這篇報道寫道(裡面影片裡面 13°更多):
"The defining signature of the system is the 13° angle.
13° represents HP’s spirit as a company,
driven forward by ingenuity and optimism about the future and a belief in human progress.
It also refers to the world of computing by recalling the forward slash used in programming.
13° exists within the brand identity, in the graphic language, product design and UI.
— Moving Brands"
"A New HP: So Close, Yet So Far Away
但是為什麼是 13°啊?

【為什麼惠普可能新 Logo 的訊息反覆強調 13°?】相關文章: