閱讀屋>職業/專業/職能> 英國開設奢侈品管理專業的學校有哪些



  1、倫敦藝術大學(University of the Arts London)

  MA Design Studies

  MA Innovation Management

  2、南安普頓大學(University of Southampton)

  MA Design (pathways in Advertising Design Management,Communication Design,Design Management,Fashion Design,Fashion Management,Textile and Fashion Promotion,Textile Design,Textile and Fibre Art)

  3、曼徹斯特大學(The University of Manchester)

  International Fashion Retailing MSc

  Textile Technology MSc

  4、利茲大學(University of Leeds)

  Advanced Textiles and Performance Clothing MSc

  5、伯明翰城市大學(Birmingham City University)

  Fashion Promotion - MA

  Fashion Styling – MA

  6、諾丁漢特倫特大學(Nottingham Trent University)

  MA Fashion Business

  MA Fashion Marketing and Communication

  MA Product Design Innovation Management
