閱讀屋>傳統文化> 四級翻譯中國傳統文化詞彙



  風水:Fengshui; geomantic omen

  陽曆:solar calendar

  陰曆:lunar calendar

  閏年:leap year


  春節:the Spring Festival

  元宵節:the Lantern Festival

  清明節:the Tomb-sweeping Day

  端午節:the Dragon-boat Festival

  中秋節:the Mid-autumn Day

  重陽節:the Double-ninth Day

  七夕節:the Double-seventh Day

  春聯:spring couplets

  春運:the Spring Festival travel

  把中國的漢字福字倒貼在門上預示新年有好運:turn the Chinese character for luck upside down to make dao and put it on your door to bring in good fortune for the new year

  廟會:temple fair


  年畫: New Year pictures

  壓歲錢:New Year gift-money

  舞龍:dragon dance

  舞獅:lion dance

  元宵:sweet sticky rice dumplings

  花燈:festival lantern

  燈謎:lantern riddle
