閱讀屋>音樂> I Could Have Told You歌曲介紹及歌詞

I Could Have Told You歌曲介紹及歌詞

I Could Have Told You歌曲介紹及歌詞

  歌曲:I Could Have Told You

  專輯:I Could Have Told You

  歌手:Bob Dylan

  作曲:JamesVan Heusen


  Bob Dylan將於3月31日發行一張容量為三CD的翻唱專輯《Triplicate》,共收錄曲目30首,所選曲目也均是經典美國老歌。專輯首波單曲《I Could Have Told You》已於1月31日釋出。

   歌詞:I could have told you我是多麼想告訴你

  She'd hurt you她曾深深地傷害過你

  She'd love you a while儘管她也短暫地愛過你

  Then desert you但隨後棄你而去

  If only you asked要是你問起我

  I could have told you so我原打算這麼告知你

  I could have saved you我本可以挽救你

  Some crying於往後的無盡淚水中

  Yes I could have told you she's lying我的'確本該告訴你她撒了謊

  But you were in love誰曾想你正為愛痴迷

  And didn't want to know充耳不聞,不加理睬

  I hear her now如今我聽聞她的軼事

  As I toss and turn and try to sleep翻來覆去,試圖入睡

  I hear her now如今我聽聞她的軼事

  Making promises she'll never keep她輕易許諾那些永不踐行的諾言

  And soon it's over and done with並且不久就會煙消雲散

  She'll find someone new to have fun with她會尋覓新的玩伴,揮霍時光

  Through all of my tears我淚眼迷離

  I could have told you so我本該就告訴你這些

  I hear her now如今我聽聞她的軼事

  As I toss and turn and try to sleep翻來覆去,試圖入睡

  I hear her now如今我聽聞她的軼事

  Making promises she'll never keep她輕易許諾那些永不踐行的諾言

  And soon it's over and done with並且不久就會煙消雲散

  She'll find someone new to have fun with她會尋覓新的玩伴,揮霍時光

  Through all of my tears我淚眼迷離

  I could have told you so我是多麼後悔沒告訴你這些

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