閱讀屋>職業/專業/職能> 七種你聞所未聞的炫酷職業中英文解釋版



  The downhill direction of the economy has us all thinking about ways we can protect our livelihood. Why not start by getting creative? Consider some little-known career paths that will ensure that you stay competitive and look forward to going to work every morning. Here are seven cool jobs to consider today:


  Computational linguist 計算機語言學家

  Computational linguists teach computer systems how to process natural language. For example, if you're trying to order a book from Amazon in Japanese, the site will be able to recommend other relevant similar titles for you. Enter the field with a bachelor's degree in computer science and start with a salary in the high five figures.


  How to break in: Meet valuable contacts by getting involved with the Linguistics Society of America and the Association of Computational Linguistics
