閱讀屋>考試> 五年級英語上冊第四單元模擬考試練習題




  1. brush 2. try 3. go 4. have

  5 make 6. swim 7. live 8. get


  1. 刷牙___________________ 2. 穿衣服___________________ 3. 鋪床____________________

  4. 上床睡覺___________________5. 起床___________________ 6. 去上學___________________

  7. 去哪兒 ___________________ 8. 趕緊,匆忙___________________

  三. 選擇填空

  1.Sandy is baseball. A, play B. playing C, plays

  2 Sometimes I to school by bike . A。go B.going C .to go

  3. Does she up at six ?A. get B, getting C. gets

  4, I take the subway home . A。 go B。going C.to go

  5. your mom like cooking ? A. Is B. Do C. Does

  6. Look, she dressed. A. getting B, gets C, is getting

  7. He doesn’t his teeth every day . A.brushing B. brush C.brushes

  8. likes making the bed . A, Jenny B. I C, We

  9. Does she have a camera? No, she A do B. isn’t C doesn’t

  10.I go to bed nine. A. in B. at C. to

  四 。連詞成句並譯成漢語

  1. you , go , what , do , to , time , school


  2. at . gets , Lisa , up . nine , twenty


  3. on , what , do , do , Sunday you


  4, what , you , are , doing


  5. waiting , am , downstairs . I


  6.making , in , she , the , her , is , bed , room


  7. hurry , school , to , let , up , us



  8. we , do , any , class, ,on , Saturday , not , have


  五, 改錯

  1. Do you have some class on Monday ?.

  2. She don’t go to bed at seven .

  3. Is Sandy get dressed now ?

  4. Does Billy brushes his teeth every day ?

  5. I makes the bed in my room


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