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冀教版英語六年級上學期《Lesson 9 On the school b

冀教版英語六年級上學期《Lesson 9 On the school bus》教學設計

  Step 1 : Class opening and Review

  1、Review clothes the students have mastered and other vocabulary with “ Dress up ”

  (jeans , skirt , hat , blouse , pants , sweater , shoes , socks , jacket and glasses .)

  Step 2 Presentation and practice

  1、Teaching “ boots and umbrella ”

  1)Ask the Ss what do you like to have on the rainy day ?Demonstrate “ boots ” and “ umbrella ” with real objects .

  2)Practice a : Read after me

  b : Read one by one

  c : Ask and answer

  Do you have boots and umbrella ?

  What colour is your ?

  Do you like your ?

  d : Make some sentences with the words .

  2、Teaching “ wet and dry ”

  1)Demonstrate “ wet ” and “ dry ” with some water and some paper . Get a piece of paper wet and compare it to a dry piece of paper .

  2)Read one by one .

  3)Make sentences with two words .

  3、Teaching “ always , usually , sometimes and never ”

  1)Using pictures to demonstrate the new words :

  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

  I usually eats a sandwich for lunch .

  Sometimes I eats soup .

  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

  Steven always wear pants . He never wears dresses .

  2)Ask the students to guess : “ What’s missing of the new words ” .

  3)Read the words by themselves .

  4)Ask the students to make some sentences using :

  always , usually , sometimes , never

  4、Listen to the tape as the students follow in their books .

  5、Discuss the meaning of the text and read it .

  Step 3 Consolidation

  1、Play “ Never , Never ” after you have played it a few times .Play vocation 1 with the new vocabulary “ wet , day , umbrella and boots .”

  2、Play “ Opposites ” and indude the new vocabulary “dry” and “wet”.

  Step 4 Summary

  Today we learned the new words : boots , umbrella , always , usually , sometimes and never . Please practice them after class .

  Step 5 Homework

  Activity-book .

【冀教版英語六年級上學期《Lesson 9 On the school b】相關文章:

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