閱讀屋>音樂> Love Does not Have to Hurt歌詞雙語版

Love Does not Have to Hurt歌詞雙語版

Love Does not Have to Hurt歌詞雙語版

  I learned a lesson in my life 我學到了人生中的一課

  But I learned it the hard way 但是我以硬的方式學的

  I don't know why I used to fall in love 我不知道,

  With the wrong kind為什麼我總是在錯誤的狀態下墜入愛河

  Then I suffer so much pain然後,我經受如此痛苦

  But I only had myself to blame卻只能自己怪自己

  maybe you came 也許,你到來了

  In the nick of time to show me 來得正是時候,給我證明

  Love doesn't have to hurt愛,並不意味著傷害

  To feel good 感覺好

  It's such a revelation 這是一個大轉變

  With you I can be myself 和你在一起,我能做回我自己

  I know it should 我也知道這是應該的'

  Don't have to cry 不用哭泣

  Don't have to fight 不用吵架

  Don't have to die 不用傷心

  Not after tonight 不隔夜

  Show me向我證明

  Love (Love) 愛,

  Doesn't have to hurt to feel good 感覺好,並不意味著傷害

  Darling now it seems to me 親愛的,現在這對我來說

  Like I've always known you 好像我一直都認識你

  But I still shudder 但我仍然顫抖

  When I think back當我回想起過去的

  On the lonely times寂寞時光

  I used to keep all my feelings inside 我總是把自己的感受藏在心裡

  From your eyes I have nothing to hide 但在你眼裡,我無法掩藏

  Baby you came 寶貝,你來了

  In the nick of time to show me 來得正是時候,給我展示

  Love doesn't have to hurt愛,並不意味著傷害

  To feel good 感覺好

  It's such a revelation 這是一個大轉變

  With you I can be myself 和你在一起,我能做回我自己

  I know it should 我也知道這是應該的

  Don't have to cry 不用哭泣

  Don't have to fight 不用吵架

  Don't have to die 不用傷心

  Not after tonight 不隔夜

  Show me向我證明

  Love (Love) 愛,

  Doesn't have to hurt to feel good 感覺好,並不意味著傷害

  Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

  Thank you, Baby 親愛的,感謝你

  Lying here beside you 在你身邊躺著

  Feels so fine 感覺那麼好

  Talking about everything in this heart of mine 用自己的心靈彼此訴說著一切

  Love doesn't have to hurt愛,並不意味著傷害

  To feel good 感覺好

  It's such a revelation 這是一個大轉變

  With you I can be myself 和你在一起,我能做回我自己

  I know it should 我也知道這是應該的

  Don't have to cry 不用哭泣

  Don't have to fight 不用吵架

  Don't have to die 不用傷心

  And in your arms在你的臂膀裡

  Not after tonight 度過一夜

  Show me向我證明

  Love (Love) 愛,

  Doesn't have to hurt to feel good 感覺好,並不意味著傷害

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