閱讀屋>保證書> 綠色採購供應商保證書參考



  買方: 編號: wpsp-ddd-yyyy-sss

  buyer: serialno.: wpsp-(dept)-(year)-(serial#)

  供應商: 編號:

  supplier: serial no.:

  供應商地址: 日期:

  address of supplier: date:



  warranty of non-inclusion of prohibited substances in products

  供應商表示並保證供應商(包括供應商的'子公司)向買方及其子公司或附屬公司 所交付的全部或部分產品(包括但不限於周邊裝置、附件或包裝),並無含有附 表一所載的禁止物質。

  supplier hereby represents and warrants that all of or part of its products, (including, but not limited to, the peripherals, accessories or packages) delivered to buyer, its subsidiaries and/or affiliated companies by supplier and/or its subsidiaries are free from any of the prohibited substances identified and listed in exhibit 1.

  由於禁止物質的存在,無論禁止物質以什麼方式存在,對買方產生或引起的任 何及全部損害賠償、費用、損失、責任和開支,供應商將進行抗辯,並對買方 提出賠償。

  supplier shall defend, indemnify and hold buyer harmless from and against any and all damages, cost, loss, liability and expenses which may be incurred by buyer by reason of, resulting from, in connection with or arising in any manner whatsoever from the presence of the prohibited substances.


  this warranty is supplemental to the sale and purchase agreement(s)/purchase order(s) made by and between buyer and supplier commencing from 1st january XX.


  remarks: the chinese translation is for reference purposes only. in the event of any inconsistency between the english version and the chinese version, the english version shall prevail.

  for and on behalf of

  <供應商名稱 name="" of="">


  <簽名人名稱 name="" of="">

  授權代表人 (authorized signatory


  • 1