閱讀屋>職場> 職場白領英語通話技巧介紹




  Ill put you through right now. 我現在就幫你轉接過去.

  Ill connect you with the department you want. Hold on for a minute. 我將電話轉到您需要的部門.請稍後.

  Ill switch you over to Susan Chin. 我將您的電話轉給秦蘇珊女士.


  Im sorry but the number is engaged. Well call you if connected. 很抱歉電話佔線,如果接通了我們就給您打電話.


  Could you please tell her that Mr. Xu called? 請轉告她許先生給她打電話.

  Please tell her to return my call. Ill leave my number, 3210078 請讓他給我回電話,我的'電話號碼是3210078.

  Ask her to call Steven at the office ASAP. 請她儘快快往史蒂文先生辦公室回電話.

  Its nothing important. Ill call her back later. 沒什麼要緊事,我晚點在給她打.


  Are you still there? OR Are you holding?

  根據當時的心情境界等也不同,如果比較生氣的話``也常說Are you even listening (to me )?
