閱讀屋>考試> 初一英語期末考試卷練習




  Ⅰ. 聽對話,選擇正確答案。(5分)

  ( )1. Q: What food are they talking about?


  ( )2. What language(語言)can Linda speak?

  A. Chinese. B. English. C. French.

  ( )3. What’s Maria’s sister’s favorite festival?

  A. Spring Festival. B. Mid-autumn Festival. C. Christmas.

  ( )4. Q: What time does Helen’s brother get up on Sunday morning?


  ( )5. Where were the two speakers?

  A. At the post office . B. In the shop. C. At home.


  A. What shape is your present?

  B. Which is your favorite season?

  C. At the age of twelve, I couldn’t swim.

  D. What’s wrong with you?

  E. What do you think of the weather in Beijing?

  1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________


  One day I want to go to the East 1 , but I don’t know the way. So I ask a policeman. The policeman tells me to go along the street, and take the 2 turning on the 3 and walk on. He says the park is in 4 of me and it is about 5 minutes’ walk. I thank him for helping me and find the place easily.

  1.__________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________


  ( )1.In winter it is very________.

  A. cool B. warm C. cold

  ( )2.We need _____ sweaters in winter.

  A. heavy B. light C. cool

  ( )3.Every season is nice. I like _____.

  A. spring B. them all C. fall

  ( )4.The weather in summer _____ much.

  A. changes B. do not change C. does not change

  ( )5.We _____ heavy sweaters in spring.

  A. take off B. take on C. put on


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